Monday, July 6, 2009

Tooth Fairy

Surely the Tooth Fairy has to be frustrated with our Hunter. Of the 6 teeth he has lost, she has only been able to find 3 under his pillow. Hunter is really making her work! His first tooth he swallowed with some cheetoes, he didn't even know he had lost it. I don't think the Tooth Fairy had much fun finding that one:). The next tooth he lost while swimming at Papa's house. The third, fourth and fifth he was able to put under the pillow (the fifth he was up at 5a.m. because he pushed it out with his tongue). Today he lost the sixth one on the water slides at Papa's again, I guess the Tooth Fairy will have to make a detour to Papa's tonight. He wrote the Tooth Fairy a note, explaining his latest loss...
Dear Tooth Fairy,
My cousin
knocked my tooth
at Papa's house.

1 comment:

  1. Eww to swallowing the tooth and the fairy trying to find it, hopefully she just let it go and paid him for it anyway. Your blog is super cute and so are you kiddos.
